The European Consortium for Astroparticle Theory
Joining EuCAPT
Interested in EuCAPT? On this page, you can find the instructions to join the consortium, a list of FAQ, and other useful resources.
No formal commitment is required for institutions to join EuCAPT, besides maintaining a list of active members, and ensuring an effective communication of the EuCAPT activities and opportunities with them.
We nevertheless expect that participating institutions will contribute to the creation of an open and inclusive platform for international collaboration, and will look for opportunities to contribute to the organisation of thematic meetings and scientific exchanges, and facilitate the participation of its members in EuCAPT activities. EuCAPT values diversity. We kindly ask you to keep that in mind when choosing a representative for your institution, and to help us build a diverse and balanced Council.
We encourage institutions with more than 20 active members (or groups of institutions with more than 20 members in total) which are not part of EuCAPT and want to join the consortium, to send the following information to eucapt.secretariat@cern.ch:
- Name of your institution(s)
- Address and website of the institution(s)
- Total number of active members
- Name of the representative
- Email address of the representative
Please send only one email per institution, or group of institutions, to the address above. In case of doubts or conflicts about the selection of a local representative, please refer to the head of your institution.
If your institution, or groups of institutions, does not reach the threshold of 20 active members, you can still join EuCAPT by joining institutions that are part of the consortium, see the map on the EuCAPT home page. In that case, please contact first the institution(s) you want to join, and then inform the EuCAPT secretariat at eucapt.secretariat@cern.ch, including the information above, and cc-ing the representative of the institution you have been in contact with.
Institutions accepted into EuCAPT commit to maintaining a list of active members, with the understanding that in a subsequent step, these individual members should sign up as active EuCAPT members on an individual basis.
Who counts as an active member?
All researchers, from PhD students to faculty, who spend at least 50% of their time working on any topic in theoretical astroparticle physics and cosmology, very broadly defined, count as one active member.
We are aware that there are some ambiguities in the way one assesses the time spent on research work, and on what topic should be considered theoretical astroparticle physics and cosmology. And we understand that there might be fluctuations in the number of active members.
Instead of devising strict rules, we ask you to please use your best judgement when counting members. The Steering committee will assess each proposal individually.
What is my host institution?
The institutions we would like to be represented at the EuCAPT Council are local institutions, typically identified as groups of individuals working in the same building or campus.
[For example: a CNRS researcher working at the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris will join other researchers at the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, not other CNRS researchers in other cities, and express one representative for their Institute.]
They should be officially recognised as universities or research institutions, and have a legal representative.
Researchers with multiple affiliations must choose only one, typically the one at which they physically spend more time, in order to avoid double counting.
As above, we are aware that there might be ambiguities and special cases in the definition of host institutions. Again, instead of devising strict rules, we ask you to please use your best judgement. The Steering committee will assess each proposal individually.
How do we elect an institutional representative?
In line with the bottom-up nature of EuCAPT, we leave it up to you and your local colleagues to decide whom to elect as a representative, and how to elect them. In case of doubts or conflicts about the selection of a local representative, please refer to the head of your institution.
What if my institution has fewer than 20 active members?
Institutions with fewer than 20 active members can team up with one or more other institutions, until they reach a total number of 20 members or more, and express one joint representative.
They can also ask to join other institutions which already have 20 or more active members, and in case of positive response, participate in the election of their representative.
What if there are less than 20 active members in my country?
If all the institutions of a European country, when grouped together, fail to reach the threshold to join, they can still nominate one joint representative.
What are the advantages of joining EuCAPT?
All our events and initiatives are open to everyone, including individuals who are not affiliated to institutions represented in the EuCAPT Council.
Joining EuCAPT still has some important advantages. It will in particular allow you and your institution to be represented in the EuCAPT Council.
Through the Council you and your institution will
participate in the election of the Steering Committee and Director of EuCAPT;
vote for the next EuCAPT Central Hub;
contribute to joint proposals to attract additional resources to our field;
be informed about available funding for scientific exchanges;
join the community building initiatives organised by EuCAPT;
host EuCAPT workshops;
participate in shaping the future goals and structure of EuCAPT.
Why is it important to join?
Our goal is to bring together the entire community of researchers active in Theoretical Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology. Our first census counted more than 800 researchers and our 2022 call resulted in 133 member institutions and 1688 individual members, but we know that there are more scientists and institutions active in these fields of research. Joining EuCAPT will help us map our community and understand our strengths and weaknesses.
Together, we can increase the exchange of ideas and knowledge; better coordinate scientific and training activities; help scientists attract adequate resources for their projects; and promote a stimulating, fair and open environment in which young scientists can thrive.
What if I have further questions?
We have opened a dedicated discussion channel on mattermost at https://mattermost.web.cern.ch/eucapt/channels/joining-eucapt. In case you haven’t found an answer to your questions here or on Mattermost, you can contact the EuCAPT secretariat at eucapt.secretariat@cern.ch. For questions that are specific to your country, or national education system, you may contact one of the EuCAPT Steering Committee members listed on the EuCAPT website at eucapt.org.