Guest post from Gabriela Barenboim from the EuCAPT Steering Committee: As you probably know, EuCAPT is organized in several Task Forces, with differentiated members and goals. But this does not mean we do not ever collaborate or join efforts. The First EuCAPT School, which took place in Valencia last September, was precisely the result of a joint effort of the Funding Opportunities, Training and Workshops Task Forces.
Under the ERASMUS Blended Intensive Program umbrella, a (pretty intense!) one week in-person training on Cosmology and Soft Skills was held at the Botanical Gardens of the University of Valencia on September 18-22, with follow-up activities to be completed at home in the following weeks. The details can be found in
However, there's a big difference between absorbing information and putting what you've learned into practice. This is why students were asked to make a short video presentation of one of the topics covered by the school. For your viewing pleasure, here you have the results!!
Having seen the potential of the new generation, we can be certain that the future of the community is guaranteed.
Video made by Josephine van Driel, who participated in the first EuCAPT school.