The European Consortium for Astroparticle Theory
Featured seminar series
If you would like your seminar series to be advertised on this page, please contact David Marsh at david.marsh@fysik.su.se.
Monthly virtual colloquia of the European Consortium of Astroparticle Theory (2nd Tuesday of the month at 15.00 CEST).
CERN-TH is making all events easily accessible to everyone, from standard seminars to informal “virtual coffees”, i.e. discussion sessions devoted to specific research areas. An updated list of events is available through our CERN-TH calendar. Clicking on the event title you will be directed to the corresponding Indico page with the Vidyo link. Everyone is welcome to join, but guests must sign up with their full names; anonymous participation is not allowed.
Webinar series organised in the framework of the Elusives ITN, spanning a variety of topics ranging from astroparticle physics and cosmology to colliders, model building and phenomenology related to dark matter, neutrinos, dark energy and other weakly interacting particles. Sessions are held every two weeks, on Tuesdays at 16:00 (European Central Time), using the Blackboard Collaborate system. After the Elusives ITN ends, the webinars will continue in the framework of the a similar ITN called HiDDeN.
Colloquia series that aims at covering all fields of astroparticle physics, both theoretical and experimental.The Colloquia are regular events, taking place every week on Wednesday at 3pm (CEST) from November to June. The purpose of these lectures is to provide a review of the state of knowledge and investigation on selected topics with a broad and critical view of the field, and to offer a vision for the future.
Online seminars about phenomenology/theory/astro/cosmo, and more, organised by R. Franceschini, A. Hektor, K. Kannike, L. di Luzio, M. Nardecchia, P. Panci, M. Redi, A. Strumia, D. Teresi, A. Tesi, R. Torre, A. Urbano et al. No fixed dates, see link for schedule.
Weekly seminars in astroparticle physics and cosmology hosted by the Oskar Klein Centre in Stockholm. Tuesdays at 13:15 - 14:00.
Joint colloquia between DESY and U. Hamburg, in the context of an Excellence Cluster. They take place on Tuesdays at 16:00 CET.
Particle Physics in Paris is a series of meetings aiming at gathering the particle and astro-particle physics community of the Paris area around a distinguished invited speaker. This series of events is currently remotely and announced as Virtual Particle Physics in Paris (VP^3).
Action Dark Energy set up a webinar at the end of 2019 to address various topics related to the theme. Since 2023, this webinar has been extended to all the themes of the CoPhy GdR.